The whole experience of birth and care at Warkworth Birthing Centre far exceeded my expectations. Having already had two hospital births (one with an epidural and one induced), I was nervous about the prospect of delivering my baby at a birthing centre. As peaceful as the setting seemed to be I was still planning on leaving Snells Beach with enough time to get to hospital. Thankfully it didn’t work out that way! By the time I arrived at the Warkworth Birthing Centre for my midwife to check how far along I was, I had decided to stay.
The next few hours were so different from my previous birth experiences. The atmosphere was calming and quiet. My midwife’s words of encouragement buoyed me up. My husband rubbing my back and giving me icy cold flannels got me through the contractions until it was time to get in the pool. The water was so comforting and freeing. I loved being able to lean against the side, to easily change position, to kneel comfortably with my sister holding onto my hands. Instead of fighting the contractions, I could focus on breathing through them and embracing them knowing that each one was opening a way for baby to enter the world. I felt calm, more in control. I couldn’t believe that it was time to push already!
When my daughter was born, I couldn’t believe that I had done it! Throughout the process I had been waiting and preparing myself for when it would get “really bad”, but that never eventuated. My husband was also amazed at how untraumatic it was.
Over the next few days, my brand new baby daughter and I were so well cared for. The centre and the staff were so fantastic that one of my friends said she wanted to have another baby just so she could get to stay there! I was treated with such attentive assistance, warmth, respect and gentleness, that by the time we went home I felt relaxed, in control and ready to take the reins. Thank you Warkworth Birthing Centre. Labour, birth and recovery has now been transformed in my mind, into a positive, precious memory that I will always treasure.