If you are wanting a normal birth, why not consider Warkworth Birthing Centre? Birthing in a primary centre such as ours has many benefits and it is well proven that unless you need a secondary hospital for medical reasons, you are much safer to birth in a primary centre.
The atmosphere around your birth is very important in providing you with the ability to relax and progress well in labour.
Warkworth Birthing Centre is on the hill over looking Warkworth Town nestled in amongst a reserve so it is very private and quiet.
The rooms are homely and the staff very friendly towards helping you and your midwife.
Generous hearty meals are served.
Husbands/partners and family are made comfortable and husbands/partners are able to stay with you after the birth.
Double beds in all the postnatal rooms with heat pumps to be warm in winter and cool in summer.
The birthing area is on ground level so you are encouraged to walk around outside or inside. Mobility can help labour progress.
The birthing room has a pool. Water for labour or birth is encouraged and can offer excellent pain relief and freedom of movement.
There are all the necessary pain relief options for a normal birth; the only option not available is an epidural.
There is up to date resuscitation equipment; a neopuff for giving oxygen under positive pressure and all other equipment necessary if there are any problems.
There are very experienced midwives available to your midwife for consultation or assistance if needed.
All staff are kept up to date and well educated in maternity care. Many are mothers themselves so understand the process and love to “spoil” you.
Breastfeeding advice and assistance is exceptional, helping you to succeed.